Carry Confetti

How 12 Focused Minutes Could Change Your Life

Darcie Frost Episode 7

Would you believe me if I told you that you have the power to improve your memory, lower your anxiety, decrease your depression, enhance your empathy, improve brain functioning, and even better control your emotions? 

Would you believe that positive changes could happen in your brain with just 12 focused minutes a day? 

God has created our brains in such an intentional way, and he's also given us the tools to take captive every thought and increase the health of our own brains. He gave us these tools in the Bible, and science is now catching up to prove what scripture has been trying to teach us all along. 

So, let's talk about meditation, through both a neuroscience lens and a biblical lens. Should Christians meditate? And if yes, then how should we do it? 

Click play to find out :) 

Connect with me on Instagram: @carryconfetti