Carry Confetti
A podcast to help you discover how to cultivate a life of hopeful expectation and daily celebration.
I’m Darcie Frost, an Oklahoma girl now living in New Zealand and leading a church with my husband (and our two toddlers in tow). Through weekly episodes released every Monday, I’ll be exploring Christian theology and studies in psychology to better understand the powerful effects of gratitude and hope. No matter what season of life you are in, we could all benefit from a bit more joy infused into those ordinary, everyday moments.
I’ll be tackling questions like: How do I keep believing after so many setbacks? Why hasn’t God answered my prayer yet? How do you know God is good and on your side? How do I find the strength to celebrate others, while walking through grief, disappointment, and pain? What’s the difference between happiness and joy?
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Carry Confetti
A Prophet, a Prayer, and Miraculous Provision
Have you ever been in a drought season? You know, one of those seasons that just feels dry and barren?
Today, let me introduce you to one of my favourite Bible characters, Elijah the prophet. His story is a bit of a longer one, so this episode will be Part 1 of his story. Next week, I'll give you Part 2 -- both important but different ends of the emotional spectrum.
My "rain" was my son -- God's miraculous provision after what felt like a drought season of infertility. He was our answer to prayer.
I believe that your "rain" is on its way :)
Connect with me on Instagram: @carryconfetti