Carry Confetti

How Pain Led to a Party in My Pocket

Darcie Frost Episode 1

Hey y'all! I'm so glad you're here for my very first podcast episode. This is a dream finally becoming a reality, and I truly hope it becomes a weekly blessing to your life. I hope that the stories shared within these episodes will encourage you, challenge you, and inspire you to carry confetti (a little party in your pocket) for yourself and others in your world.  

Have you ever longed for something? Perhaps there was a prayer request that you didn't know if it would ever get answered? Maybe you felt like you were left behind while everyone else was moving forward to a new stage in life? Are you reading this and thinking that the confetti seems to be for everyone else, but it doesn't seem to be for you? 

In my introduction episode, I tell you about my infertility journey and what led to me creating a life motto right before my 30th birthday a few years ago. A motto inspired by a scripture in the Bible. A motto that is now the name of this podcast.

This motto isn't just for me. I pray that it could one day become yours, too.

Share this episode with your friends who need to hear this message, and please subscribe to the podcast channel wherever you're listening!

Much love,

Connect with me on Instagram: @carryconfetti